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Zanzibar Bureau of Standards

ISO 9001: 2015 CERTIFIED

Standards | Quality | Life

Technical Committees

Zanzibar National Standards are developed by Technical Committees (TC) made up of experts from different stakeholders including representatives from manufactures, suppliers, consumers, academicians, government and private sectors and other interested parties to ensure balanced representation.

The formulation of Zanzibar National Standards is done through a consultative process and general consensus to suite our cultural, climatic, industrial or economic environment.

Among the duties of TC members are:-

  • Attend meetings, or send a deputy.
  • Participate fully in work of committee.
  • Submit comments on time as required.
  • In conjunction with the Chairperson and secretariat, ensure that Standards developed by them adhere to the WTO-TBT Code of Good Practice and contain no technical barriers to trade
  • Consult with their nominating bodies and other interested parties.
  • Be impartial, and broadly represent national interests

Currently, there are 24 technical committees at Zanzibar Bureau of Standards in different sectors which are:-

  • TCC1 - Chemical Products Standards Technical Committee
  • TCC2 - Oil and Gas Standards Technical Committee
  • TCC3 - Textile and Leather Products Standards Technical Committee
  • TCC4 - Fertilizer and Pesticides Standards Technical Committee.
  • TCC5 - Stationery and Paper Products Standards Technical Committee.
  • TCC6 - Paints and Varnishes Standards Technical Committee
  • TCC7- Industrial and Laboratory Chemicals standards Technical Committee.

  • TCFA1- Food Standards Technical Committee
  • TCFA2 - Soft Drinks and Water Standards Technical Committee
  • TCFA3 - Fruits and Vegetables Standards Technical Committee
  • TCFA4 - Cooking and Essential Oils Standards Technical Committee
  • TCFA5- Spice and Culinary Herbs Standards Technical Committee
  • TCFA6 - Fish and Fisheries, Meat, Poultry and their Products Standards Technical Committee
  • TCFA7 - Milk and Milk Products Standards Technical Committee
  • TCFA8 - Animal Feeds Standards Technical Committee
  • TCFA9 - Traditional Medicines Standards Technical Committee

  • TCEE1- Electrical and Electronics Standards Technical Committee

  • TCBM1 – Building and Construction Materials Standards Technical Committee

  • TCMEA1 - Mechanical and Automotive Standards Technical Committee

  • TCTRS - Tourism and Related Services Standards Technical Committee
  • TCGS – General Services Standards Technical Committee

  • TCE1 - Water Quality Standards Technical Committee
  • TCE2 - Soil and Air Quality Standards Technical Committee
  • TCE3 - Environmental and Risk Management Standards Technical Committee